
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
A Conversation with Tim Conroy - Episode 62
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses poetry and more with poet Tim Conroy. Tim is a former special education teacher, school administrator, and vice president of the South Carolina Autism Society. His poetry and short fiction have been published in literary journals, magazines, and compilations, including Fall Lines, Auntie Bellum, and Marked by the Water. A founding board member of the Pat Conroy Literary Center, established in his brother’s honor, Tim lives and writes in Columbia, South Carolina and is the author of Theologies of Terrain.
- Website: http://timconroypoet.com/
- Pat Conroy Literary Center: http://patconroyliterarycenter.org/

Friday Aug 17, 2018
Confederate Papers Digitization Project with Dr. Fritz Hamer - Episode 61
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses the Colin J. McRae Papers, Huse Audit Series digitization project with Dr. Fritz Hamer. Dr. Hamer is the curator of history and archivist at the SC Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum and previously held posts at the SC State Museum and the South Caroliniana Library at the University of South Carolina. He has published articles on the social and racial impact of World War II in Charleston and on the South Carolina home front in World War I and has published books on the Charleston Navy Yard, SC in the Great War, and on SC College Football History. He served as president of the SC Historical Association from 2001 to 2002 and 2011 to 2012.
- SC Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum: https://crr.sc.gov/
- Colin J. McRae Papers, Huse Audit Series: http://scmemory.org/collection/colin-j-mcrae-papers-huse-audit-series/
- SC Digital Library: http://scmemory.org/

Friday Aug 10, 2018
Lee Snelgrove and One Columbia for Arts and History - Episode 60
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses the local arts scene and One Columbia with Lee Snelgrove. Lee is the Executive Director of One Columbia for Arts and History. Since taking the position, he's overseen the establishment of a process for commissioning public art and the installation of 30 new pieces, the establishment of the position of a City Poet Laureate, the development of a strategic plan for the Congaree Vista’s formal cultural district designation, and has been a leader of multi-organizational city-wide events including the Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Burning of Columbia and the Total Solar Eclipse Weekend in August 2017. He is currently overseeing the coordination of 21 new public art projects.
- One Columbia: https://www.onecolumbiasc.com/
- Amplify Columbia: https://amplifycolumbia.com/

Friday Aug 03, 2018
SC Author Leigh Moring Discusses Nathanael Green - Episode 59
Friday Aug 03, 2018
Friday Aug 03, 2018
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses South Carolina Revolutionary War history with author and educator, Leigh Moring. Moring is the education coordinator for the Historic Charleston Foundation, where she manages K–12 educational programming in historic house museums. She attended Clemson University and received her Bachelor of Arts degree in history with a concentration in museum studies. She went on to pursue her Master of Arts degree in history from the College of Charleston and The Citadel and graduated in May of 2015. She is a presenter at our Speaker @ the Center program and is the author of, Nathanael Greene in South Carolina: Hero of the American Revolution.
- Arcadia Publishing: https://www.arcadiapublishing.com/Products/9781467136860
- Amazon: http://a.co/8BZ8FKM
- Historic Charleston Foundation: https://www.historiccharleston.org/

Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Summer Reading with Rebecca Antill - Episode 58
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses summer reading with Rebecca Antill. Rebecca is the Youth Services Consultant here at the South Carolina State Library. She received her Master’s in Library and Information Science from Kent State University in Ohio, and has been working and volunteering in libraries since the age of eleven. Rebecca has worked in public libraries of all types in Ohio, North Carolina, and most recently Charleston, South Carolina.
- Summer Reading in South Carolina: http://guides.statelibrary.sc.gov/c.php?g=11781&p=62125
- CSLP: https://www.cslpreads.org/