
Tuesday May 08, 2018
South Carolina History through Poetry with Kimberly Simms - Episode 50
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses South Carolina cotton mill history through the poetry of author Kimberly J. Simms. Kimberly is graduate of Furman and Clemson Universities and her work has appeared in over 30 literary journals including the Asheville Poetry Review and the Broad River Review. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and her work is included in the South Carolina Poetry Archives at Furman University. She is the proud founder of Wits End Poetry, a non-profit now celebrating 15 years of creating South Carolina poetry events and educational outreach. Kimberly is also a recent participant in our Speaker @ the Center program in March of 2018.
Simms' book, Lindy Lee: Songs on Mill Hill, brings to life the social fault lines of textile mills in the rural South Carolina Piedmont — themes of child labor, the changing roles of women, of a fading away of life where isolation is juxtaposed against a strong sense of community. Part history, part poetry — this collection is peppered with the poignant, rarely seen photography of Lewis Hine (1874 – 1940). With Lindy Lee, Simms finds the vast and profound in the smallest of domestic spaces. In the words of William Wright (2016 Georgia Author of the Year), she celebrates and records in vivid imagery “the joys and hardships of a charged, mythic, and sweat-soaked place.”
- Author website: http://www.kimberlysimms.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KimberlyJSimms
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/kimberlyjsimms

Monday Apr 23, 2018
Urban Botany with Dr. John Nelson - Episode 47
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses urban botany and more with Dr. John Nelson. Dr. Nelson is the Chief Curator of the A. C. Moore Herbarium at the University of South Carolina. He received his Ph.D. in 1982 from Florida State University. He recently conducted an urban botany walking tour for our library patrons and this is also his second time with us on LibraryVoicesSC.
- C. Moore Herbarium: http://herbarium.biol.sc.edu/index.html
- John Nelson: http://herbarium.biol.sc.edu/nelson.html

Monday Mar 12, 2018
Bonnie Stanard discusses What Missing Means and more - Episode 45
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Dr. Curtis Rogers talks to South Carolina author, Bonnie Stanard about her novel, What Missing Means, as well as her poetry and her upcoming novel. Bonnie, who grew up in rural South Carolina, moved away after college and married Douglas Stanard of LaSalle, Illinois. Before her husband's retirement, her family lived in Chicago, Brussels, Atlanta, and Richmond. She has edited several regional publications, and her poetry has appeared in literary journals such as Harpur Palate, Slipstream, and The Griffin. Upon retirement, she and her husband moved to South Carolina where they currently reside in Lexington. She has published four antebellum novels and two historical fiction novels and has also published a children's picture book. She is a member of the Columbia II chapter of the SC Writers Association.
- Main website: http://www.bonniestanard.com/
- Her blog: http://writepersona.blogspot.com
- SC Writers Association http://columbiawritersworkshop.blogspot.com/search/label/Bonnie%20Stanard

Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Shadows of the Gullah Geechee with photographer Pete Marovich
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Dr. Curtis Rogers interviews photojournalist Pete Marovich about the inspiration for the exhibit, Shadows of the Gullah Geechee, hosted by the South Carolina State Library. Award-winning photojournalist Pete Marovich has been working as a professional photographer for 30 years since starting as a staff photographer at a medium-sized daily newspaper in Indiana and as a stringer for the Associated Press. His photography has appeared in The Washington Post, The New York Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine, The Financial Times, The Christian Science Monitor, Esquire, The Wall Street Journal, Mother Jones, Sports Illustrated, Essence and Bloomberg Businessweek. He is also a founding member of the photography collective, American Reportage.

Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
What is the Green Book of South Carolina?
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses the Green Book of South Carolina with Dawn Dawson-House. The Green Book of South Carolina is the first mobile travel guide to African American cultural sites across South Carolina. Created by the S.C. African American Heritage Commission, it provides residents and visitors from around the world a user-friendly guide to discovering and celebrating enriching cultural experiences across the state of South Carolina. Dawn is the Director of Corporate Communications for the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism where she is responsible for communicating their business information to the media, industries, elected officials, and other public constituencies. She is also an ex-officio board member of the South Carolina African American Heritage Commission and has worked to launch and promote the Green Book of South Carolina.
- Green Book of SC https://greenbookofsc.com
- SC African American Heritage Commission http://shpo.sc.gov/res/Pages/SCAAHC.aspx
- SC Parks, Recreation & Tourism https://www.scprt.com