
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
South Carolina Digital Library, Part 1 - Episode 134
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
In part 1 of this 3 part series, Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses the South Carolina Digital Library with Kate Boyd and John Quirk. Kate is the South Carolina Digital Library Program Director and Associate Director for the Midlands Region and John is the Assistant Coordinator for the Midlands Region.
Transcript of South Carolina Digital Library, Part 1 - Episode 134
Additional resources mentioned in this episode:
- Henry William Ravenel Papers, 1739-1935
- Fungi of Carolina, natural specimens of the species (1852)
- Moving Images Research Collection (MIRC)
- Colin J. McRae Papers, Huse Audit Series
- South Carolina Bookmobiles Collection
- Rosenwald Schools of South Carolina, An Oral History Exhibit

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
BibliObservatory - Gigi Towers - Episode 15
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
For Guillermina (Gigi) Towers, growing up was a very rich cultural experience. Panama and Puerto Rico are the axis of her family history, as well as all of the stories and tales she heard from her early years. History and tradition, Spanish and English, traveling overseas, and a short version of her first name are only a little hint of her marvelous world that always give her love, comfort, and a sense of direction.

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
BibliObservatorio - Gigi Towers - Ep 15 - Español
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
La infancia de Guillermina (Gigi) Towers fue de una gran riqueza cultural. Panamá y Puerto Rico fueron el eje central de su historia familiar, así como lo fueron aquellos cuentos e historias que escuchó de pequeña. Historia y tradición, el español y el inglés, viajes por distintas latitudes y la versión abreviada de su primer nombre son algunas de las claves de su mundo maravilloso que le da amor, la reconforta, y le ofrece guía.
Transcripciones de BibliObservatorio, fotografías y formularios para nominaciones

Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Call My Name, Clemson with Dr. Rhondda Thomas - Episode 133
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses the African American history of Clemson University with Dr. Rhondda Robinson Thomas. Dr. Thomas is the Calhoun Lemon Professor of Literature at Clemson University, specializing in early African-American literature, culture, and history. She is the author of Claiming Exodus: A Cultural History of Afro-Atlantic Identity, 1774-1903 and co-editor of The South Carolina Roots of African American Thought, A Reader. Her most recent publication, by the University of Iowa Press, is Call My Name, Clemson: Documenting the Black Experience in an American University Community.
Transcript of Call My Name, Clemson with Dr. Rhondda Thomas - Episode 133

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
From Our Collection - Children's Books - Episode 132
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Dr. Curtis Rogers learns about some of the children's books found in the State Library's collection with staff members Sarah Pettus, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian, and Kerry Jeyschune, Digital Projects Coordinator.
Transcript of From Our Collection - Children's Books - Episode 132.
- How High The Moon by Karyn Parsons
- Sisters Against Slavery: A Story about Sarah and Angelina Grimke by Stephanie McPherson with illustrations by Karen Ritz
- The Lizard Man of Crabtree County by Lucy Nolan, illustrated by Jill Kastner
- Beauty, Her Basket by Sandra Belton, illustrated by Cozbi A. Cabrera
Additional resources:
- Lucy Nolan
- Sandra Belton
- Sweet Blackberry - Sweet Blackberry’s mission is to bring little known stories of African American achievement to children everywhere.
- National Historical Park in New York State – Women’s Rights Exhibit featuring the Grimke sisters
- South Carolina’s lizard man
- South Carolina sweetgrass baskets