
Monday Nov 16, 2020
BibliObservatory Episode 13 (Catawba and Spanish)
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
This brief “bonus” episode of BibliObservatory contains a bilingual exchange in Catawba and Spanish. Beckee Garris, a citizen of the Catawba Nation in South Carolina, shares greetings, numbers, and animal names in Catawba, which BibliObservatory host Ivette Villarreal translates into Spanish. To learn more about Beckee Garris and stories of the Catawba Nation, revisit the full interview from May 2019 in the resources below.
En este breve episodio adicional, les presentamos un intercambio lingüístico bilingüe catawba-español. Beckee Garris, ciudadana de la Nación Catawba de Carolina del Sur, comparte con Ivette Villarreal, anfitriona de BibliObservatorio, algunas expresiones de cortesía, números y nombres de animales en catawba. Para conocer más acerca de las historias que Beckee Garris narra en BibliObservatorio, les invitamos a escuchar la entrevista completa transmitida en Mayo de 2019, y a visitar el álbum en Flickr en donde puede apreciar imágenes referentes a sus historias.

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Stories of Struggle - Claudia Smith Brinson - Episode 128
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses the civil rights movement in South Carolina with journalist and author, Claudia Smith Brinson. Claudia has been a South Carolina journalist for more than thirty years. She has won more than thirty awards, including Knight Ridder’s Award of Excellence and an O. Henry Award for short fiction, and she was also a member of the Pulitzer finalist team covering Hurricane Hugo. Her recent book, published by the University of South Carolina Press is titled, Stories of Struggle: The Clash over Civil Rights in South Carolina.
Transcript of Stories of Struggle - Claudia Smith Brinson - Episode 128
Additional Resources:

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
The South Carolina State Hospital: Stories from Bull Street - Ep 127
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses the history of the South Carolina State Hospital with William Buchheit. William has worked as a journalist in the upstate of South Carolina for nearly two decades. He has won dozens of South Carolina Press Association Awards and was named the 2011 “Reporter of the Year” by South Carolina’s chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. He is also a part-time college English instructor and acclaimed wildlife photographer whose photos of the great white shark have been published by National Geographic and the Smithsonian. His book, The South Carolina State Hospital: Stories from Bull Street, was published by Arcadia Press this year.
Transcript of South Carolina State Hospital: Stories from Bull Street - Episode 127
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Monday Oct 19, 2020
From Pirates to Poe with SC Author Chris Downey - Episode 126
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses South Carolina pirates, Poe, and more with author Christopher Downey. Also known as “Captain Byrd”, Chris received his degree in History from Virginia Tech in 1995, and shortly after graduating began a career in the maritime industry. His most recent book is titled Edgar Allan Poe’s Charleston and he has authored two previous books on the history of piracy in South Carolina: Charleston and the Golden Age of Piracy and Stede Bonnet: Charleston’s Gentleman Pirate. A native of Virginia, he now lives in Charleston with his wife, Tina, and son, Sailor.
Transcript for From Pirates to Poe with SC Author Chris Downey - Episode 126

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
South Carolina Wildlife Magazine with Editor, Joey Frazier - Episode 125
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses the South Carolina Wildlife Magazine and more with the editor, Joey Frazier. Joey grew up bird hunting, bream fishing, and playing bluegrass music on mandolin and guitar in Lexington County, South Carolina. After earning a BA in English with a minor in photojournalism from the University of South Carolina, he has worked in the communications field as either a writer or photographer or both.
Transcript of South Carolina Wildlife Magazine with Editor, Joey Frazier - Episode 125
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