Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
The NEDCC with Sean Ferguson - Episode 131
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Dr. Curtis Rogers learns all about the NEDCC with preservation specialist, Sean Ferguson. Sean works from his home office in Alexandria, Virginia, for the Northeast Document Conservation Center and provides preservation information and outreach to clients nationwide, including assessments, consultations, training programs, and disaster assistance. From July 2018-June 2019, he served as NEDCC’s Performing Arts Readiness Emergency Preparedness Consultant for New England, providing emergency preparedness consultations and training to performing arts organizations. Learn more about the spring 2021 free regional course on emergency preparedness for South Carolina cultural heritage organizations.
Transcript of The NEDCC with Sean Ferguson - Episode 131
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
BibliObservatory - Ellen Stringer - Episode 14
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Ellen Stringer (Maryland, PA) calls Richmond (VA) her hometown. The Cow and the Silo would be the first of many stories that she remembered read by her mother. These stories mark the beginning of a path in which stories and books became essential not just in her life but the lives of families and diverse communities that she served as a childrens and youth librarian. Why are books and storytelling so important for us and indispensable during challenging times? Find out in this episode!
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
101 African Americans Who Shaped South Carolina - Dr. Bernie Powers - Episode 130
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses the newly published University of South Carolina Press book, 101 African Americans Who Shaped South Carolina with the editor, Dr. Bernie Powers. Dr. Powers is a professor emeritus of history at the College of Charleston and was also the founding director of the Center for the Study of Slavery in Charleston, South Carolina. He is also the author of Black Charlestonians: A Social History 1822–1885 and coauthor of We Are Charleston: Tragedy and Triumph at Mother Emanuel. Dr. Powers is a founding board member and interim chief executive officer of the International African American Museum in Charleston.
Transcript of 101 African Americans Who Shaped South Carolina - Dr. Bernie Powers - Episode 130
Monday Nov 23, 2020
From Our Collection: Cookbooks - Episode 129
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Dr. Curtis Rogers discusses cookbooks in the South Carolina State Library collection with Sarah Pettus, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian, and Kerry Jeyschune, Digital Projects Coordinator.
Transcript of From Our Collection: Cookbooks - Episode 129
In this episode, we learn about:
- Princess Pamela’s Soul Food Cookbook – Pamela Strobel
- South Carolina First Lady Cookbook 1986 (series)
- Greek Revival – Patricia Moore-Pastides
- The Food, Folklore, and Art of Lowcountry Cooking - Joseph E. Dabney
- Sallie Ann Robinson’s Kitchen: Food and Family Lore from the Lowcountry - Sallie Ann Robinson (AKA, The Gullah Diva)
Monday Nov 16, 2020
BibliObservatory Episode 13 (Catawba and Spanish)
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
This brief “bonus” episode of BibliObservatory contains a bilingual exchange in Catawba and Spanish. Beckee Garris, a citizen of the Catawba Nation in South Carolina, shares greetings, numbers, and animal names in Catawba, which BibliObservatory host Ivette Villarreal translates into Spanish. To learn more about Beckee Garris and stories of the Catawba Nation, revisit the full interview from May 2019 in the resources below.
En este breve episodio adicional, les presentamos un intercambio lingüístico bilingüe catawba-español. Beckee Garris, ciudadana de la Nación Catawba de Carolina del Sur, comparte con Ivette Villarreal, anfitriona de BibliObservatorio, algunas expresiones de cortesía, números y nombres de animales en catawba. Para conocer más acerca de las historias que Beckee Garris narra en BibliObservatorio, les invitamos a escuchar la entrevista completa transmitida en Mayo de 2019, y a visitar el álbum en Flickr en donde puede apreciar imágenes referentes a sus historias.